Digital Dispatch Hall: Giving Your Union the Edge

Digital Dispatch Hall: Giving Your Union the Edge

Getting your union’s administrative processes digitized with Union Impact software offers plenty of advantages to the old-school sign-in methods used by traditional Dispatch Halls. Nowadays, moving into the digital realm is nothing new, even for traditional organizations such as labor unions and service unions.
Our software enables unions to empower themselves without having to sacrifice the core values that they were founded upon. The integrity, trust, and services that local unions provide their members is retained with our easy-to-use software and offers numerous other benefits that we outline later in this article.
Union Digital Dispatch System

Employer and Member Self Service

Member management system online dispatch
Imagine a web portal that functions similar to an online banking website where employers and members can log in securely. From there members can view their dispatch criteria, dispatch position, basic information and, if applicable, register on to the out of work list. Save office staff time by giving your members the option to self service common questions and tasks.
An employer or contractor can have their version of the web portal where they can create a new job request for approval, view the status of their requests and have a history of their requests. These are simple functions that should not require your union staff to waste their time with data entry. The information can now be submitted digitally into your system for a one-click approval or denial.

Dispatch Hall Sign-In and Roll Call

Do you want to offer your members an easy-to-use digital Dispatch Hall sign-in option? The Union Impact software is just the tool to provide equity and fairness to your members, while also maintaining the daily activities of the union. A kiosk registration in your hiring hall will still require your members to go on site for out-of-work list registration, but will free up your staff to do dispatch management instead of paper processing.
Members can walk up to the kiosk, fill in their member information such as member number, name or birth date, or scan the QR code on their membership card and add themselves to the out of work list. The system will log their registration time and can provide them with an approximate list position (if applicable). Electronic logs and timestamps of transactions will help reduce disputes and offer documentation. If your members are not required to be on-site in order to register to the out-of-work list, then you have the option of allowing them to get on the list via phone or by visiting a website.
Association Dispatch System Kiosk

Getting The Right Person To Available jobs Quickly

Union Dispatch Software Match
Union Impact software can also enable union administrators to manage their union member lists with greater efficiency and to help get members into available jobs quickly. When a member registers they are automatically added to the appropriate out of work list based on union referral rules and their job skill set. The job requests that come in from employers, are queued to the appropriate list, and eligible candidates can be automatically notified.
It is simple, the criteria required for a specific job request is matched to the members work criteria. If there is a match then the member will be eligible for dispatch. How much time will this save when the dispatcher does not have to go digging or reshuffling the list order manually. Referral responses are recorded and members are dispatched or move on the next eligible member if the referral is declined. Automating the custom referral process can reduce much of the redundancy that traditional Dispatch Halls suffer from.

Dispatch System Accountability And Reporting

Digital Union software can provide detailed reporting and logs on each employer, referral, and union member. Custom reports can be created exported on the fly with easy to use filters to spreadsheet or PDF format. Accountability through detailed logging can show who did what and when.
Getting things done with this simple system reduces paper consumption and overhead costs relating to expensive supplies such as printers, paper while improving the ease of access for unions, members, and their business partners.
Member management system dispatch report

Easy On-boarding, Customization, Integration and Support

Member management system support
Union Impact is dedicated to upgrading your union to a cloud based dispatch system. Our teams have experience migrating data from other union dispatch programs. We can even integration with legacy and regional member management systems to keep your data in sync.
Additionally, the dispatch management system integrates with other components of Union Impact like: Member Management, Employer and Job Tracking, Job Targeting, Dues Payments and more.
Because each union is a little different, our team will be able to assist with customization, staff training and any end user support you may need. Connect with us today via here for a free demo and walk through.

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